
2022年01月06日 11:24  点击:[]







《Mar. Life Sci. Technol.》(MLST)主编,《Sci. China Life Sci.》、《J. Eukaryot. Microbiol.》、《Eur. J. Protistol.》、《Syst. Biodivers.》、《Protozool. Monograph.》编委。



Prof. Dr. Weibo SONG:

Ph.D., Protozoology, Bonn University, Germany (1989); Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Director, Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, OUC.

Service to ISOP and other professional activities:

Executive member at large of the International Society of Protistologists (ISOP); Vice-president of the Chinese Society of Zoology ; President of Chinese Society of Protistology; Board of Reviwers/Editorial board for J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., Eur. J. Protistol., Syst. Biodivers., Protozool. Monogra.

Honors and Awards:

Ciliate Cravat Award (ISOP, 2005); Outstanding Young Scientists of China (2004); Wilhelm & Ilse Foissner Stiftung Award (1992); Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award of China (2004, chief scientist, Chinese government).

Research Interests:

(1) morphology & taxonomy of ciliates in temperate and subtropical area, (2) cell development, (3) molecular phylogeny, and (4) ecology of marine protists, especially in mariculture waters. Over 290 papers have been published in peer-reviewed international journal and 4 books (as senior author) since 1995.


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